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Co-Curricular Activities & Athletics 

While academic skills are very important, there are also other skills a middle school should teach you, including how to enjoy yourself while learning. For that reason, King has developed an activity program, which includes sports, clubs, and school services. 
The main objective is to provide instruction and practice in the sport as well as to develop a strong school and athletic spirit through training and competition.There are various intramural and interscholastic sports offered for both boys and girls.

Athletic & Co-Curricular Form

Before a student can participate on an athletic team the school district requires a signed document from your students physician stating that he/she has had a physical within the last 2 years.  In addition parents/guardians must sign:

Portland Public Schools Athletic & Co-Curricular Form


Athletic and Co-Curricular Activities Code of Conduct for Middle and High School Students

Since participation in athletic and co-curricular activities is a privilege, it is important that students, parents/guardians and other interested persons are aware of the following rules and regulations. As representatives of the schools, students are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times.  These rules are adopted by the Portland Board of Public Education (The Board) in order to support the social, emotional and physical well-being of students and promote healthy, enriching and safe athletic and co-curricular opportunities for all students.