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Teaching & Learning

Whether or not students are “on expedition,” certain key educational philosophies run through the fabric of King Middle School.

Proficiency Based Learning

All course work is rooted in national and state standards. King has identified and prioritized key Common Core and NGSS standards to anchor both expedition and core course work.

All students are assessed on a 1-4 grading scale. Teachers build a body of evidence around each standard and then report students’ current progress to families six times a year. Students and families can monitor weekly progress using our online Infinite Campus gradebook.

Habits of Work and Learning

In conjunction with content standards, all students are assessed on Habits of Work and Learning (HOWLs). Like content standards, HOWLs are explicitly taught and assessed multiple times throughout a trimester. Students receive Respect, Responsibility, and Perseverance grades for each course they are enrolled in.

Glossary of King Terms

Like any long-running institution, King has an abundance of abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon associated with its history.  Use these glossary terms to help you make sense of King lingo.