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Amy K. Marx - Principal


Amy’s passion for experiential and project-based learning began over 25 years ago when she began her leadership career as the director of curriculum at an EL Education-inspired K-8 school. Since then, she has been principal of schools in Massachusetts (including the Harbor School, an EL School in Boston) and in Maine, at North Haven Community School and at the Harpswell Coastal Academy. She also has led schools internationally, in India and Thailand.  All these schools’ missions support students to become passionate, life-long learners whose work helps to make our world a better place!

Amy received her bachelor’s degree from Yale University, and then taught far away from home in New Orleans, Louisiana. Returning to the Northeast, she received her masters of education degree from Boston University, and then led schools in the Boston area for 14 years. Amy is thrilled to head the leadership team at King Middle School, as this inspiring school continues its work to develop meaningful learning for students that connects to experts, authentic audiences and real purposes beyond the walls of the school!

Jason Bradeen - Assistant Principal


Jason joined King Middle School after serving as school counselor and Behavioral Response to Intervention coordinator at Saco Middle School for five years. In addition to these roles, he served on the Safety Committee, District Covid Response Team, coached the track and Unified basketball team, and led the student council.  

Jason’s previous experience has included working as director of summer programs for Waynflete School in Portland; as a school counselor at a charter school in Boston and at a private school for students with language-based learning challenges in California. He then took on the role of founding assistant director at a high school for similar students in that state. Jason encourages students to have a growth mindset, to make the most of their time at school, and to work hard while also having as much fun as possible. He enjoys being part of the team at King and getting to know all the students.